
General information about door & hatch cover packing

Foam rubber

Is rich off open cells and is being used for matrasses, filling of pillows and so on.

Moss rubber

Rectangular cord is a material with a variety of applications. It is a soft spongy rubber with an open, closed or mixes cell structure on the inside and a closed skin on the outside, Because of the closed skin on the outside it is water resistant. The difference between moss rubber and cell rubber is the cells of moss rubber are smaller therefor moss rubber is harder than cell rubber and moss rubber is very suitable for sealing purposes.

Cell rubber

Can be made of closed cells or open cells or mixed cells without a skin on the outside. Cell rubber is extremely resilience and have a high degree of compressibility. Cell rubber is mainly used for applications of parts which are regularly being opened or closed, such as windows.

Sponge rubber

Can have an open cell structure. And can be used in technical and daily used products such as sponges and filters. Because of the big cells and the open structure this material has a big absorbent capacity.

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